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Amit U, D, Kain , A, Wagner , A, Sahu , Y, Nevo-Caspi , N, Gonen , N, Molotski , T, Konfino , N, Landa , N, Naftali-Shani , G, Blum , E, Merquiol , D, Karo-Atar , Y, Kanfi , G, Paret , A, Munitz , HY, Cohen , E, Ruppin , S, Hannenhalli , and J, Leor . 5/20/2017. A New Role For Interleukin-13 Receptor Α1 In Myocardial Homeostasis And Heart Failure. J Am Heart Assoc. . Publisher's Version
Tommy Weiss-Sadan, Gotsman, Israel , and Blum, Galia . 2/16/2017. Cysteine Proteases In Atherosclerosis. Febs J ., 284, 10, Pp. 1455-1472. . Publisher's Version
Barkan Y, M, Levinman , I, Veprinsky-Zuzuliya , T, Tsach , E, Merqioul , G, Blum , AJ, Domb , and A, Basu . 1/15/2017. Comparative Evaluation Of Polycyanoacrylates. Acta Biomater., 48, Pp. 390-400. . Publisher's Version
Dror Alishekevitz, Gingis-Velitski, Svetlana , Kaidar-Person, Orit , Gutter-Kapon, Lilach , Scherer, Sandra D. , Raviv, Ziv , Merquiol, Emmanuelle , Ben-Nun, Yael , Miller, Valeria , Rachman-Tzemah, Chen , Timaner, Michael , Mumblat, Yelena , Ilan, Neta , Loven, David , Hershkovitz, Dov , Satchi-Fainaro, Ronit , Blum, Galia , Sleeman, Jonathan P. , Vlodavsky, Israel , and Shaked, Yuval . 10/25/2016. Macrophage-Induced Lymphangiogenesis And Metastasis Following Paclitaxel Chemotherapy Is Regulated By Vegfr3. Cell Rep., 17, 5, Pp. 1344–1356. . Publisher's Version
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Abd-Elrahman I, K, Meir , H, Kosuge , Y, Ben-Nun , T, Weiss Sadan , C, Rubinstein , Y, Samet , MV, McConnell , and G, Blum . 3/3/2016. Characterizing Cathepsin Activity And Macrophage Subtypes In Excised Human Carotid Plaques. Stroke, 47, 4, Pp. 1101-1108. . Publisher's Version
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Shaulov-Rotem Y, E, Merquiol , T, Weiss-Sadan , O, Moshel , S, Salpeter , D, Shabat , F, Kaschani , M, Kaiser , and G, Blum . 2/1/2016. A Novel Quenched Fluorescent Activity-Based Probe Reveals Caspase-3 Activity In The Endoplasmic Reticulum During Apoptosis. Chem Sci., 7, 2, Pp. 1322-1337. . Publisher's Version
Ben-Nun Y, E, Merquiol , A, Brandis , B, Turk , A, Scherz , and G, Blum . 4/27/2015. Photodynamic Quenched Cathepsin Activity Based Probes For Cancer Detection And Macrophage Targeted Therapy. Theranostics., 5, 8, Pp. 847-862. . Publisher's Version
Salpeter SJ, Y, Pozniak , E, Merquiol , Y, Ben-Nun , T, Geiger , and G, Blum . 3/23/2015. A Novel Cysteine Cathepsin Inhibitor Yields Macrophage Cell Death And Mammary Tumor Regression. Oncogene., 34, Pp. 6066–6078. . Publisher's Version
Ben-Aderet L, E, Merquiol , D, Fahham , D, Kumar , E, Reich , Y, Ben-Nun , L, Kandel , A, Haze , M, Liebergall , MK, Kosinska , J, Steinmeyer , B, Turk , and G, Blum . 3/20/2015. Detecting Cathepsin Activity In Human Osteoarthritis Via Activity-Based Probes. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 17, 69. . Publisher's Version
Riahi Y, N, Kaiser , G, Cohen , I, Abd-Elrahman , G, Blum , OM, Shapira , T, Koler , M, Simionescu , AV, Sima , N, Zarkovic , K, Zarkovic , M, Orioli , G, Aldini , E, Cerasi , G, Leibowitz , and S, Sasson . 3/5/2015. Foam Cell-Derived 4-Hydroxynonenal Induces Endothelial Cell Senescence In A Txnip-Dependent Manner. J Cell Mol Med. , 19, 8, Pp. 1887-1899. . Publisher's Version
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Rothberg JM, KM, Bailey , JW, Wojtkowiak , Y, Ben Nun , MS, Boygo , E, Weber , K, Moin , G, Blum , RR, Mattingly , RJ, Gillies , and BF, Sloane . 10/2013. Acid-Mediated Tumor Proteolysis: Contribution Of Cysteine Cathepsins. Neoplasia, 15, 10, Pp. 1125-1137. . Publisher's Version
Seth J.Salpeter and Blum, Galia . 2/21/2013. Ready, Set, Cleave: Proteases In Action. Chemistry & Biology, 20, 2, Pp. 168-176. . Publisher's Version
Edgington LE, M, Verdoes , A, Ortega , NP, Withana , J, Lee , S, Syed , MH, Bachmann , G, Blum , and MPI, Bogyo . 12/8/2012. Functional Imaging Of Legumain In Cancer Using A New Quenched Activity-Based Probe. . J Am Chem Soc., 135, 1, Pp. 174-182. . Publisher's Version
Verdoes M, LE, Edgington , FAS, Scheeren , M, Leyva , G, Blum , K, Weiskopf , MH, Bachmann , JAC, Ellman , and MPI, Bogyo . 5/25/2012. A Nonpeptidic Cathepsin S Activity-Based Probe For Noninvasive Optical Imaging Of Tumor-Associated Macrophages. . Chem Biol. , 19, 5, Pp. 619-628. . Publisher's Version